this mouse fell deeply in love with a girl, yet two worls divided them apart. Mouse may be independent not to concern what other rats think about, yet the most important of all is what the girl sense.
mouse could not love the girl longer for she will leave soon to another place, a place too far for a mouse to travel. as each day passes, mouse tried so hard not to love the girl more, but the mouse is trap in that hole that is being dug deeper each second.
the friendship between mouse and the girl became stronger, sharing their laughthers and past experience. they seem like the best of friends as evrything start to match. As their friendship grew stronger, unfortunately so did how mouse felt for her.
Slowly the mouse could not take over its own feelings. Mouse put that mask to hide what truly lies underneath. mouse maintain its smile each day although its heart hurt tremendously not being able to let the girl know how it feels. to let the girl know how the mouse felt would definitely terrify her.
As that fake mask that was use to cover the secret start to fade, the mouse build up barriers of invisible walls to stop that feeling from over flowing. Yet as the walls build higher, the mouse grew more exhausted, and everything back-fired against the mouse as the girl lost the sense of trust between them.
As the wall is being build by the mouse, their friendship soon start to shattered as well. the girl felt that distance and gap between them. As the secret slowly appears while the mouse reacts towards its own feeling and carelesness. She couldn't feel the trust between these two friends.
while mouse tried to mend things, it actually made the hole bigger. the gap grew further while the mouse hide its tears among smiles that does not last.
The girl grew disappointed not knowing what has gone wrong with mouse, and soon grew frustrated to see mouse acting so weirdly. At this point, mouse does not know what it could do, as the mouse’s smile start to fade away as sorrow overcomes all happiness.
In the girl, mouse found true happiness and sincere friendship, and had the most memorable days of its mouse life. The mouse could not bear loosing the girl as a friend, what more to expect as a lover. Will it be selfish it the mouse kept its feelings a secret? The girl only saw the weakness in mouse as it start to complain about everything that happens, all those sweet memories slowly being erased.
The mouse did seek other mice for help, and in front of them mouse could not even lift a single smile. Its laughter was gone as mouse loses its authority towards its own right to love someone.
It wasn’t easy either to maintain that smile in front of the girl. Yet the girl said mouse was selfish to act as the mouse likes not caring the girl feelings, hiding some thing from her was to abused the trust between them, when actually the mouse felt even more painful not being able to let the girl know.
If the mouse could choose the world around it, it would wish to be a human who can give the girl pure love and joy. In reality, it is just a fantasy. The mouse could not hope for anything from the girl, maybe just more misunderstandings as this remain a selfish secret.
If one day the girl may find out how the mouse felt, would she see how hard was it to be mouse. Maybe yes, and probably no. Because the girl will not love that mouse, as it is something even you and I could not accept, or do you?
Even yes the girl may leave soon, it will be too selfish for the mouse to let the girl know how it feel. That would hurt both the girl and the mouse. As the mouse try to provide friendship instead of love, it continues to suffer even deeper...